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Monday, January 19, 2015

More Un-Mapped Territory...

We have been very successful lately branching out to areas that have never been done. Recently in a town called Buenos Aires ( not Brazil) we found 2 foreigners, 2 Nicas that have lived abroad and 8 Nicas that know great English. We started 4 bible studies in English and turned a Spanish one over to the local congregation.

We also had a really cool experience with a teacher in town. She teaches kids 10 yrs old and under, simple English words, with the worse pronunciation you have ever heard...but hey, she tries. She doesn't speak English herself just reads from a booklet. She could not understand that we are not English Teachers looking to teach English but Bible Instructors looking for English speakers. She was insistent on us meeting her kids, She said she taught 2 girls that were from the States, so we set up a time to come back the following day.

We met no one that actually spoke any real English, but it was a really cool experience. We had plans to show the Caleb videos to the kids in English, but the kids only knew words like 'please' and 'thank you'. So, we showed 3 videos, first in Spanish then in English, and asked the kids questions about what they learned and what new English words they learned. The kids really enjoyed it, some of the kids' parents were there and really appreciated our time and wanted us to come back.

Theses are some of  the kids that we showed the videos to and gave them English bible brochures, so they can practice their English. The kid on the right was older so we gave him the Listen and Live brochure

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Trip to Apompoa...un-mapped territory

Michaela (New Zealand) bought a chicken & named her Suzy

A blue "floating door" ?!?!

The most awesome "security gate" that I've ever seen!!!

Bryan, Oliver (Austria) & Mark (New Zealand)

Having our friends from home come to visit us is such a boost!!! Love you Nikki :-)

Nikki didnt realize she'd be riding my bicycle to go in service (it lasted 5 minutes LOL)

Michelle's Bible Study BJ & her 2 yr old monkey, Sariah...hitchin' a ride with us to Rivas

Surf Ranch Skate can rent a board for $2

Buddy lives a Surf Ranch

Football at sunset

A few times a month, the congregation gets together & plays ultimate frisbee, touch football or touch rugby on the beach... SO much fun

Playa el Coco....Bridget's (New Zealand) nap time

When to Laguna de Apoyo for the day. $6 entrance fee which includes free tubing & kayaking

Tom & Dom's truck overheating on the way home....helped out by a few locals

Scorpion I killed in Nikki's room (while she stood on her bed freaking out)

Took Nikki to Granada

Took an island tour of Lake Nicaragua

A small island inhabited by monkeys. A veterinarian comes & feeds them daily

Mommy & baby

Over 300 islands are in Lake Nicaragua...formed after a volcanic eruption

November Visit to Tola: Long walks thru the woods, barrios & crossing little rivers...all in a day's work :-)

Little piglets napping

Getting fuel in Tola's "Gas Station" before heading to the rural barrios...A guy comes out of his house with soda bottles full of gasoline !!!

Mark, Bridget (New Zealans) & Devin (Devin's from Seattle & is in Tola's Spanish Cong) crossing a really cool bridge...a large river flows thru the town during rainy season

Mark (New Zealand) & Carl (Carl is from Atlanta & is our newest elder...he makes elder #3)

Bryan & Dom (Austria) & the 2 sisters are visiting from Austria for a week

Michaela (New Zealand) looking beautiful while taking a break

Taking a break