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Friday, February 13, 2015

Visit from our beautiful friends, Juan & Raye Ann Hernandez

During their visit, we had many memorable adventures. We know that it wasn't the "easiest" vacation they've ever had, but it was AMAZING for Bryan & I...they'll never know how much their visit meant to us
We went to Ometepe Island & stayed on a plantation (coffee, plantains, corn, red beans & cocoa), Finca Magdalena. Finca Magdalena stretches out along the foothills and up the slopes of Volcano Maderas. It's a 864 acre organic farm run by a collective of 24 families.The surroundings were quite beautiful, but the accommodations definitely were NOT 5 Star...think camping

After making the trip to the plantation, we were told by the locals that our motorbikes would not make it all the way  up to the plantation through the dirt/rocky road. So, they offered to allow us to leave out bike on their property

We took  a guided hike through the coffee plantation & saw how the beans were dried & processed...super old school. ALL of the high quality/grade beans are exported out of the country

This was our cabin...ask Ray Anne about our cabin spiders, haha

We took an agonizing 5 hour waterfall you can see from the one photo, the waterfall was TINY!! I have to admit that I was dying, but we suffering through it together...memories. Along the way, we saw more of the beautiful plantation....then hiked over slippery boulders...YIKES

We took a tour around the beaches of San Juan Del Sur, snorkeling & a bit of fishing
Our snorkeling guide gathered all kinds of critters from the bottom...sea cucumbers, urchins, oysters, etc

Bryan decided to eat an oyster while we were still on the boat...I was grossed out, but he LOVED it

On our way back, they trolled fishing lines through a school of black tuna. This was Bryan's catch

They skinned & filleted the tuna while we were on our way back, then handed Bryan the tuna steaks. We walked them up to a beach-side restaurant & asked them to cook it for us for $5 per person...weirdly looked like beef once it was cooked, but really good :-) 

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