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Saturday, July 26, 2014

The Realities of Life in San Juan

Ok folks, it's time for Jess to get real!

After nearly 2 weeks in San Juan,  I am utterly exhausted.  Every small task,  like going to the market,  completely zaps your energy. The sun is extremely hot, but on the bright side,  there's always a wonderful breeze. However,  if you are indoors without a fan RIGHT on you, the hot air is suffocating. The over-crowded, hot bus rides are extremely annoying

Ok, now that I've vented, I really do like it here, but it's really hard to get used to being hot, tired & gross all the time...& the locals call this WINTER !?!

Fortunately,  the cheap local food is really good.  A brother from Spanish has a stall in the market & said his job is to make sure his English brothers don't get cheated. He's so sweet. Also,  great foreign owned restaurants if we need a fix...can find good happy hour appetizers for about $2 to meals from $7 to $15 (lobster for $12 :-). We had a wonderful lunch at home yesterday...All-American ham & cheese sandwich w/sour cream & onion chips (block of cheddar cost $6 though :-/ 

The friends are great here (game night once a week)...we now have 3 irish brothers helping our English their accents,  but not their hipster mustaches LOL

Time to get ready for the meeting.  Luv & miss you


  1. Hang in there Jessica! Once you are acclimated to the climate it will get better. Jehovah will bless your efforts!

  2. You guys are doing great! :) miss you both


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